20 January 2010

Booking It

I love love love love love to read. Did you get that I love to read? So I've decided to join Fish Mama's "I'm Booking It in 2010" challenge. My goal is to read 60 books this year and do a one blog summary about each of them.  Reading the books will be a breeze; the summary, well, not so much. Here's my January and February reading list:

  1. Haruko: Love Poems by June Jordan
  2. The Darker Face of the Earth by Rita Dove
  3. The Wake of the Wind by J. California Cooper
  4. The Complete Guide to Close-up and Macro Photography
  5. Black Wings and Blind Angels by Sapphire
  6. To Repel Ghosts: Five Sides in B Minor by Kevin Young
  7. I Wish I Had a Red Dress by Pearl Cleage
  8. Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea by Nikki Giovanni
  9. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For by Alice Walker
  10. Wild Stars Seeking Midnight Suns by J. California Cooper
  11. Letters to a Young Sister: Define Your Destiny by Hill Harper (wasn't at the library so i will read in March...)
If you've decided to start "booking it" this year, leave a comment and let's follow each other.


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17 January 2010

I guess today works...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Huh? What? We are already 17 days into the new year? Duh, I got that memo, but thanks for bringing it to my attention, again! Can't we still celebrate?

So, I meant to blog my 2010 resolutions/goals on January 1st (what an novel idea), but I decided to be a trendsetter and wait until today... January 17th....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Would you like to join me in the chorus of "Auld Lang Syne"? Hmmm, I'll pass, too.

No, no, no...my problem with chronic procrastination has nothing at all to do with waiting until the 17th...scout's honor. No I am not a scout, but my the Big One is...so take that *sticking out my tongue*.

So here's my list:
  1. Read and understand the entire Bible this year. One chapter per week (will double up on the shorter chapters to get in all 66 books) and a one blog summary per week of what I have learned.
  2. Blog, Blog, Blog...2 hours per day. 1 hour to be spent blogging and the other hour to be spent reading/commenting on the blogs of others.
  3. Lose wait...waite....wieght...oh, heck, I can't even spell it, how do you expect me to lose it??
  4. Spend more time with the Big One and the Little One. Note to self: Commute time to and from school does count and so does yelling at them :)
  5. Stop procrastinating so darned much!!!
  6. Join Fish Mama's "I'm Booking It in 2010" challenge. My personal is to read 5 books per month (60 books this year) and dedicate one blog per week to the summary of the book. The reading part of this will be simple for me...actually sitting down and writing a summary will be my challenge.
  7. Take one photo per day and blog about it. Woo-hoo, this goal is going pretty darned well. Check out my Project 365.
  8. Start yoga, again!
Guess that works for today. Maybe will add more later.

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